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tickers - Your News and Notification App

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Разработчик Marko Ludolph

Simple, fast and anonymous message broadcasting. With RSS push notifications!

Tickers is your personal liveticker, your news and notification app. Everything can be a live ticker: News from a website (or your own blog), current results from a football game, live coverage from an event or even a YouTube channel.

Subscribe your favorite tickers in the app -- enable push notifications, if you want -- and you will never miss anything important again.

Or build your own ticker and share it with your friends and the rest of the world. Use RSS-Feeds, YouTube channels and other sources to post new messages automatically to your ticker.

- Free, fast and anonymous
- No registration required
- Optimized for low data usage
- Customizable dark theme
- Trending messages
- Clean and minimalistic design
- Synchronisation across all platforms
- Full control over push notifications
- Integrated browser